22 February 2010

Stroke linked to Birth Control

It has been noted that the 4th generation birth controls Yasmin, Ocella, and Yaz have had major side effects including strokes, heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis and other types of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, and gallbladder disease. These symptoms have been seen in women who were otherwise healthy with no known history of risks for the mentioned diseases. As I was searching for more information on stroke and heart disease, I stumbled across many pages of articles that warn women about the effects of these popular birth controls. One such article had the following warning:

If you or a loved one has taken Yasmin, Yaz, or Ocella for birth control or to treat symptoms of PMDD or acne and suffered gallbladder disease, stroke, heart attack, blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or other serious injuries, we encourage you to contact qualified legal representation today to evaluate your possible legal rights.

It is interesting to note that on the YAZ homepage, the list of side effects include all of the above diseases as risks for any woman taking any birth control. So I searched a few other commonly used birth controls and found this statement to be true.


  1. I forgot to mention that although those other birth controls do list the same possible side effects, I failed to find anything negative about them regarding the more serious side effects. I mostly just saw problems with weight gain and acne, which is indeed a bummer, yet not as serious as stroke, heart attack, blood clots, etc.

  2. But even though most problems with birth control methods is mostly weight gain, these extra pounds can eventually create a problem in the individual's health. For example, the risk of developing heart attacks due to high fat in the blood, the risk of strokes, diabetes and most importantly there could be deposits of extra fat around internal organs. This will eventually be a potential risk for the people taking these birth control methods.

  3. Well, to the best of my knowledge Jose- the weight gain due to birth control has very little to do with actual increase in adipose tissue and more to do with increase water weight and bloating. The side effects I mentioned that pertain to birth control have to do with the 4th generation ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone causing blood clots in otherwise healthy women.

  4. The Estrogen in birth control increases a woman's level of estrogen leading to risk of blood clots activation. The blood clots are primarily in the legs, although clots may also travel to the lungs and even worse the heart ultimatley leading to heart risk associated with birth control.

    It is also important to note that age and smoking also increase the risk of blood clot formation further more. THis is why most physicians will NOT perscribe women over 35 who smoke, birth control.
