04 May 2010

Statistics on Countries using turmeric in food VS those that don't and the incidence of RA in these countries.

So, I was very curious after reading about turmeric being used as a spice in many Asian cultures, is there evidence showing a lower incidence in RA in these types of countries compared to the United States. I found an article with statistics of how many people are affected by RA in each country. The US has upwards of 2 millions, while some rural Asian countries are in the low thousands. I have to speculate this being because of the population difference, but it would make sense if these countries show a lower incidence of RA. The article I presented in class today shows that the curciminoids in the turmeric are very effective at inhibiting the inflammatory response causing RA problems before the RA has infected the patient. After the onset of RA there is no evidence shown that turmeric curciminoids will have any affect. So if the rural Asian countries have used turmeric as a spice in their cuisine for centuries then why wouldn't they be more prone to be effected by the inflammatory responses to RA. Maybe we should take this into account and start using more spices with turmeric. This could help our problem of millions of people in the US that suffer from RA. We could reduce this risk of RA in the US simply by putting this into our foods. This is not a totally proven way of decreasing RA but it seems to sure help. My only concern is that the turmeric curciminoids could have other effects on our body with it's inflammatory inhibitor response. It could cause us to inhibit inflammation when we really need it and just cause more problems for us. I guess this is always the issue when dealing with new ways to deal with inflammation and other diseases though.

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