05 October 2009

Mucosal Tolerance to E-selectin

In the paper "Mucosal tolerance to E-selectin provides cell-mediated protection against ischemic brain injury" it is shown that mucosal tolerance to E-selectin can reduce stroke size and the extent of post-ischemic brain injury. However these beneficial effects were seen in the group given a E-selectin booster. One group was given E-selectin every other day for ten days (the single tolerance group) and the second group was given E-selectin on the same schedule but then recieved another dose 11 days later (the booster tolerance group). The fact that a significate decrease in stroke size was only seen in the booster group probably means that the effect of E-selectin tolerance is only short-term. I wonder if E-selectin tolerance can be achieved in the mucosa of the digestive system. If so maybe this treatment can be taken in pill form as a preventative measure for people at risk for stroke. A nasal spray may be possible too.

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